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8 Must Follow Rules To Avoid Getting Scammed!!

Getting scammed by internet fraudsters can be a very painful experience. This is why the PIN and Safetoken One-Time Password (OTP) were put in place for your protection.
However, fraudsters and scammers continuously come up with “clever” ways to get unsuspecting internet users to part with personal information that can lead to unauthorized access of their accounts. We have therefore come up with a few rules/guidelines which will help prevent this from happening to you dear customer.
The rules are as follows:
  1. Do not reply any email asking you to update your Quickteller, ATM/debit card details or PIN
  2. Pay special attention to the email address of the sender
  3. When logging on to Quickteller always confirm that the web address/URL itself begins with https://www.quickteller.com/ or https://m.quickteller.com/ AND that the secure padlock icon is presentQuick scam
  4. When entering your card details on Interswitch Webpay always confirm that the web address/URL itself begins with https://webpay.interswitchng.com/ AND that the secure padlock icon is present before going ahead access scam
  5. Keep your antivirus software updated and run complete virus scans regularly
  6. Do not share your PIN or passwords with anyone
  7. Interswitch/Quickteller will not ask for your entire card details and PIN via email
  8. When in doubt, send an email attaching the suspicious email and web address/URL to us at consumersupport@Interswitchng.com or call 01-9065000
Please follow these rules and you should be just fine. Be rest assured that we have your best interests at heart as our loyal customers.
Thank you for choosing Quickteller.
Quickteller. Simple. Smart. Convenient.

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