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OWAN EAST PDP: A Party Of Familiar Strangers.


Dear indigenous people of Owan East, let me help in putting your puzzles and unnecessary end to end running to their well deserving rest.I have listened to the kool and the gang of the Owan East chapter of the fast decomposing peoples Democratic Party.Before my emergence as APC publicity secretary,I have seen the high drama of those who own the party and those who own the power, every critically conscious individual will rather remain apolitical than to associate with such a dastardly and behemoth arrangement where rat race, seriatim betrayal and unending power-grabbing put together has become the order of the day. The highest agony mankind has suffered is insufficient intelligence, trampled upon by those whose renowned expertise is an instrument of subterfuge.
Last week, a PDP new convert called me in regret and said, Ayewa, don't mind these guys, they are only out to entice you for one day and stop taking your calls. He continued. The liberty and close friendship enjoyed from party faithful of the APC is second to none.I will come back to the APC before the terminal point of the year was his last resolved before our tele-conversation ended.
Now to those hustling to join an aimless party as pdp, on a personal note, in Owan East i have not found a trustworthy person in pdp who should convince a purposeful individual to decamp from the APC to pdp.I had costly assumed that we have all grown to the level where "usery" should no longer be a profitable venture, but the vulnerability of certain individuals has continued to prove the otherwise to me. The attendant issues are; are they hoodwinking you to join the pdp so that you can realize their endless ambition or yours?, are they wooing you to pdp so that your family can ferry on the same boat with their family?, do they want you for your good or theirs, are they recruiting you for your ambition or theirs?, have you asked yourself the question; what is my ambition and if it is hinging or tied to theirs?, have you also compared and contrasted yourself with those who have remained with them for ages, are they better than you, is there any significant economic change or is there an additive to their physical proportions as James Hardly Chase puts it?. Why are our people running from pillar to post, hemorrhaging over abstract things and empty promises from regular politicians, I sincerely do wish that they sit down and bleach away the biblical scales covering the retina in their eyes.
Another paramount issue to x-tray is the misguided word "Harvesting APC Members". My lawyer friend told me that using such terms on human beings instead of farm crops is liable. That's to show the highest disregards that the harvester has for his animate crops. Let the defectors ask themselves: are we now farm harvestable crops?.
I have also realized that many people do not even know why they are on this earth. That's the only reason why people like them push them about like the pendulum swing whenever it is to their advantage to do so.
For those who have kept selling the dummy of falsehood that the PDP has no intractable problem; I want to ask, has the Edo Deputy Governor not cleared the air enough? what other physician do they need to be convinced of the highest tower of obscurity and commotion is built around the pdp, which lend hands to my usual qualifier as " Fast Decomposing party".
There is no singular political figure in Owan East whose nuances I do not know,and I can make bold to say that those who are currently blazing the imaginary trail of the pdp are purely political businessmen who have no modicum of how others can also enjoy the hubris of their exotic cars and build palatial houses and send their children to good schools, hence material acquisition is all that successful life mean to them.
I have kept mute and blinded my eyes to the display of arrogance by those who have made themselves the unofficial spokes-people of the pdp because the real pdp who own the party are just staying in aloofness, holding their party to their chest with the utmost vehemence. If I am a professional, why should i read through the trash emitting from the roadside?
There is no way a party of familiar strangers can transform into an organized institution that a decent political party should be. Therefore, for the Pdp in Owan East,nothing to feel , think or even imagine. Rather it should be taken for the troubling water that it is.


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